Yesterday, on December 1, 2007, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Adam Frye. Adam recently came home from Kosovo where he was deployed on a mission with the U.S. Army. So, first off, my hat is off to this fine gentleman and his great service to this nation!
After we became aquainted with each other, we were both eager to get out into the field. After a brief drive along the dirt road where Adam lives, we made our first stop at an old abandoned nursery. We parked my truck alongside the road, and walked in carrying some simple equipment. The nursery contains hundreds if not thousands of pine trees that were planted. Alot of these pines create a perfect blind for staying hidden. In some areas, a person would have alot of difficulty seeing anything within 10 feet of them.
One of the first strange things Adam pointed out to me were the strange, almost bipedal looking footprints found on this obviously, well used trail. The footprints do not show up well on the forest ground during the colder months, but I have included a photo that was taken by Adam back during the warmer months to give the readers an idea of what I mean. This was really strange, the impressions were really quite deep and appeared to have been used over and over again. I have to say that this was a first for me, I have never seen anything like this before.As we continued on, several tree breaks were observed. All of the tree breaks were in locations concealed from any possible wind damage. The pines provide a thick barrier preventing any high winds in these tree break locations. In addition, the tree breaks were concentrated in certain areas. There seemed to be several tree breaks in certain areas, not one here or there. I tried to examine the areas around the tree breaks to identify any possible footprints or other evidence, but most of them appeared to be rather old occurrences. Therefore, any possible prints were probably long gone.
Several piles of feces were discovered. Again, like the tree breaks, the feces seemed to be concentrated in one general area. Items found in the feces were grasses, nuts, corn and seeds. The sizes of the feces seem to be different sizes and quantities.We left this area and went to a local Italian grill for lunch. We had a brief drive around in the surrounding area and went back towards Adams house.
When we arrived back near Adam's house, we decided to take a walk up a fire road that leads towards Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Forest. We decided to climb up to a high point of rock formations as seen in the photo to the top left. We took our time climbing. As we climbed, we jumped something from the brush above us, approximately 50-60 feet away. Neither of us caught a glimpse of what it was, but it sure made alot of noise to get out of there.
Obviously, once reaching the top, it was time for photo opportunities. (Adam Frye in top photo, Billy Willard in bottom photo) There was a beautiful view all around. Both Adam and I saw some wonderful opportunities for future audio recordings within this valley area as well as a good survelliance spot.
Man what a great read...really well written and great pics to help paint the picture....
You guys have an awesome area to conduct your research.....really beautiful.....
Adam thanks again for your service to this Country of ours....and congrats on you joining Billy and guys are some of the people that I consider 'cutting edge' researchers......
The "Project Song Bird" with Bill D also speaks 'cutting edge' loud and clear....and that's what we need out there...
Good luck guys...
Dennis aka 'Dad'
Thanks for the comments Dennis!
Hey Billy, Did either of you report finding the bear paws and limbs to the Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries? I ask because it sounds as if a poacher took a bear somewhere in the area and then wrapped the limbs to retrieve later. The bear's gall bladder is most valuable and would have been taken at the time of the killing but the limbs are also valuable on the Asian market and since they are somewhat bulky, its probable that a poacher decided to leave them until it was more convenient to quietly take them from the woods.
If you didn't report it, you may still want to consider doing so. If the limbs and plastic are still there, they may included some forensic evidence that Game and Fish investigators may be able to use. You can report possible poaching violations here:
Not only is it the right thing to do, but it may be a wonderful opportunity to make a contact within the department. The State Fish and Game folks get lots of unusual sighting reports each year and by building a relationship with them, you may just get some leads on encounters to investigate in the future.
Just a thought...
No, we did not report it but you bring up an excellent point. Thanks for sharing that information, I think its a good idea.
Billy Willard
You wrote: "The unknown hair appears to have a segmented type membrane in the center. None of the other hairs appear to have that feature."
Dude, the mink does. Look at it- an obvioud segmented center. WTF.
Ok, but the mink segments are entirely different from the unknown hair segments. The mink segments appear to be paired where as the segments in the unknown hair are not.
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