The following field research was performed by Tom Lancaster and Billy Willard on February 3, 2007 in an area located in Fauquier County, Virginia.
First, a little history about the area of research. There have been repeated experiences of strange noises and mysterious animal deaths at this location going on two years now. There has also been a sighting of a tall, bipedal creature by an anonymous individual. The area is very plentiful of deer and other wildlife and PLENTY of water. Very thick, luscious wooded areas abound the property.
The day of our investigation was cold (36 degrees F) and windy (10-15 mph). Our main purpose for the site visit was to cast a possible print we had found about 3 weeks earlier. Temperatures below freezing prevented us from casting the print previously. The print measured 15-inches in length and 7-inches in width. Below is a photo of the print prior to casting.
Billy Willard poured the casting material into the print at about 4:30 pm. While the cast was setting up, Tom and Billy performed additional investigation of the area.
A few minutes later, Tom discovered more prints. After a period of about 30 minutes, Tom had located an additional four (4) possible prints. A measurement was taken between each of the possible tracks from heel to heel and measured an AMAZING eleven (11) feet! The only exception was the print near the small stream that measured a nine (9) foot stride length. The photo below shows the location of the other identified print from our casted print. The other print is in the location where the pink bowl is placed in the top, center of the photo.
Finding the additional tracks we believe further substantiates the findings.
Other discoveries were made during our work. Some unexplainable stick structures and log configurations were discovered near the area of the tracks. The log configuration was located ninety (90) feet southwest of the tracks and the stick structures were located one hundred fifty (150) feet northeast of the tracks. Below is a photo of the log configuration. Just as a note. these logs did NOT fall into place at this location. Careful investigation was performed to try and locate any nearby broken trees or tree stumps that could indicate that these logs actually fell naturally in this position. No evidence was found of stumps or broken trees; therefore, these logs have been placed in this position.
Below is a photo of the stick configuration. Again, careful searching was done to determine if this could all occur from natural falls. No evidence could be found to show this was a natural occurrence.
A well-known researcher gave us a suggestion and theory to test out on certain stick structures. It was suggested to begin recording the positions of certain sticks or logs (particularly the top and longest one) and record the pointing directions of them. Surprisingly, the top and longest stick or log in both configurations pointed northeast/southwest. Now, what does this mean? We don't know if it means anything. Could we theorize that this could be some type of navigational device? Sure, it's possible, but further research of these structures and other discovered structures needs to be performed. Below is another, smaller stick structure found. And yes, the larger, top stick is pointing northeast/southwest.
Further investigations and research will be performed in this area over the next several months. We will continue to update this section with our progress. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions in the blog and they will be answered and replied to.
Hey Billy and Tom,
It's great to see you guys are out conducting field research even in this cold weather. Your hard work will eventually pay off, so keep it up. That area does have a long history of sightings and will continue to reveal it's secrets if you continue with the research there. Fast Forward!
William Dranginis
Manassas, VA.
Thanks for the words of encouragement! It's people like yourself that has motivated us to continue on! Thanks Bill!
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